CRF(UK) Limited Shrewsbury Premier Darts League
CRF(UK) LimitedShrewsburyPremierDartsLeague

Least Darts 2024-2025

11 Rob Paine Brooklands
12 Andy Evans Hawkestone
12 Ben Morgan Green Wentnor
12 Danny Humphries Charles Darwin
12 Gary Crowther Hawkestone
12 Neil Boxall Hawkestone
12 Paul Rowley Masonic
13 Dan Jones Telegraph
13 Jake Smith Inn on the Green
13 Mark Walker Telegraph
13 Simon Sparrow Green Wentnor
13 Soxy O'Callaghan Brooklands
14 Dafydd Edwards Admiral Duncan
14 Dean Stokes Brooklands
14 Jon Mansell Compasses
14 Kev Rogers Admiral Duncan
14 Kev Williams Hawkestone
14 Mark Crutchley Hawkestone
14 Matt Elsey Brooklands
14 Mike Rogers Beeches
14 Paul Ashworth Admiral Duncan
15 Ash Hilditch Masonic
15 Ben Ellis Dean Admiral Duncan
15 Dean Rogers Masonic
15 Derek Rogers Admiral Duncan
15 Duncan Morris Inn on the Green
15 Emil Drewitt Woodman
15 Gareth Ashley Inn on the Green
15 Jacob Reece Hawkestone
15 James Mansell Compasses
15 Jamie Chaplin Compasses
15 Martin Pope Green Wentnor
15 Nigel Neale Brooklands
15 Pete Colley Inn on the Green
15 Ryan Page Wheatsheaf
15 Shaun Pryce Charles Darwin
15 Shaun Reade Compasses
15 Steph Clarke Telegraph
15 Tony Middleton Compasses
16 Ben Wilson Woodman
16 Dean Rogers Masonic
16 Eddie Price Green Wentnor
16 Ian Evans Charles Darwin
16 Kev Wilson Woodman
16 Roger Williams Beeches
16 Shane Knight Telegraph
16 Steve Price Inn on the Green
17 Anthony Jebb Heathgates
17 Evonne Taylor Hop & Friar
17 Graham Hamer Inn on the Green
17 Leo Robson Wheatsheaf
17 Martin Kearns Wheatsheaf
17 Matt Johnson Charles Darwin
17 Neil Turner Heathgates
17 Paul McMullen Brooklands
17 Rob Paine Brooklands
17 Simon Dodd Admiral Duncan
17 Steve Ritchie Hop & Friar
17 Tom Fisher Charles Darwin
18 Darren Lane Hop & Friar
18 James Harris Hop & Friar
18 Jason Davies Brooklands
18 Mike Lewis Inn on the Green
18 Tim Franks Compasses

Least Darts 2023-2024

10 Mark Crutchley Hawkestone
11 John Roberts Hop and Friar
11 Eddie Price Mytton
11 Paul Rowley Masonic
12 Ash Hilditch Masonic
12 Glyn Thomas Mytton
13 Craig Davies Admiral Duncan
13 Jon Mansell Compasses
13 Jamie Chaplin Compasses
13 Andy Evans Hawkestone
13 Dafydd Edwards Admiral Duncan
13 Steve Price Inn on the Green
13 Scott Dockerty Compasses
13 Kev Rogers Admiral Duncan
13 Terry Nash Admiral Duncan
14 Duncan Morris Inn on the Green
14 Steve Guyatt Heathgates
14 Matt Elsey Brooklands
14 Gary Crowther Hawkestone
14 Mike Coyne Admiral Duncan
14 Scott Towers Compasses
14 Tony Burton Mytton
14 Ryan Page Wheatsheaf
14 Neil Boxall Hawkestone
14 Tony Howell Wheatsheaf
14 Tony Lloyd Brooklands
14 Gareth Ashley Inn on the Green
14 Darren Lane Hop and Friar
14 Evonne Taylor Hop and Friar
15 Paul McMullen Brooklands
15 Phil Atter Heathgates
15 Paul Ashworth Admiral Duncan
15 Dean Rogers Masonic
15 Adam Joseph Inn on the Green
15 Ben Jerman Davies Wheatsheaf
15 Roger Williams Beeches
15 Derek Coulson Hawkestone
15 Tim Jones Heathgates
15 Jason Evans Heathgates
15 Lea Burton Mytton
15 Jacob Reece Hawkestone
16 Graham Wall Telegraph
16 Steve Tweddle Beeches
16 Anthony Jebb Heathgates
16 Paul Andrew Beeches
16 Chris Wright Admiral Duncan
16 Dave Wilding Telegraph
16 Simon Sparrow Mytton
16 Neil Evans Compasses
16 James Mansell Compasses
16 Sarah Roberts Hop and Friar
16 Dan Jones Telegraph
16 Pete Colley Inn on the Green
16 Tony  Middleton Compasses
16 Steph Clarke Telegraph
16 Shaun Pryce Mytton
16 Tom Garmstone Hop and Friar
16 Matt Johnson Charles Darwin
17 Tom Hancock Beeches
17 Tom Griffths Inn on the Green
17 Ian Evans Heathgates
17 Andy Mullinder Heathgates
17 Soxy O'Callaghan Brooklands
17 Jim Deer Hop and Friar
17 Toto Noriel Telegraph
18 Mike Rogers Beeches
18 Sacha Rothwell Inn on the Green
18 Jay Adams Inn on the Green
18 Glenn Hughes Wheatsheaf
18 Charlie Fletcher Wheatsheaf
18 Lawrence Colley Mytton
18 Craig Bramall Charles Darwin
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Shrewsbury Premier Darts League